Saturday, April 9, 2011

What's Goin' On?...

Hello Things Knot Broken Lovers! I just wanted to make a post keeping you updated on what's going on in my world of jewelry business. There's a bit of hurry up and wait going on this week. My new camera has arrived! I am simply waiting on my fantastic memory card which should be here around Tuesday. This upcoming Monday, my photographer Erin should have edited pictures of current works to me so I can go ahead and get them up and for sale. (Yay!) I'm also working on packaging ideas. I want it to be official and professional so I'm thinking patterned shipping envelopes of some sort... I'm sure the perfect solution will find me. I'm still designing keychains right now and it's going well. It's just like making a stand alone earring so I am enjoying the freedom from symmetrical duplication that is of concern when making a set of earrings. As always I love feedback, comments, and suggestions. Thank you! Kahrheena

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